Error on running npm install

There could be many types of error when running npm install 

We would suggest to always use the latest Node and NPM version

Updating Node

The easiest way to update node is to install "n" -> a node version control. 

Install it by running npm install n -g

Then run n latest 

Updating NPM

npm install -g npm

Then run

node -v

npm -v 

Send this version with any support request 

Common Problem #1 - ERR! Tried to download(404): https://fsevents-binaries


npm install firebase fails due to grpc


Use the latest version from firebase in the package.json

1. Go on the firebase NPM package page

2. There you will find the latest version of this package

3. Open package.json file 

4. Locate the "firebase" string in the dependencies object

5. Replace the value with the latest version that you found.

6. Remove the ^ symobl

7. Run npm install

Note: This fix may produce another error, related to firestore datetime. 
