Available props
- {Array} items - the breadcrubs items
- {String} current path
- {String} title - Title of the current page
Getting started
For this change we will work in NavBar.js. Inside you will see the render function and the generateBreadCrumb generateBreadCrumb job will be to display the bredcrumbs. So lets start with that
Styling the breadcrumbs
You should already see the breadcrumbs in your page, but the may not look exactly as in yout template demo. So to make them the same, check how they are organized and styled in your template. In most of the cases they are avialbe in the blank page demo.
Page title
One of the avaialbe props in the title of the page. You will already see the title, but maybe the organization is not ok. So what you can do is to copy the HTML part with the title ( or/and breadcrumbs ) and convert them to JSX syntax HTMLtoJSX.
Then replace demo data with the props and calls to functions.