OLD: RAB Easy setup on VPS

G General / General Last updated on Updated  Oct 17, 2019

OUTDATED: Will install v 11. Pls check the new docs


Table of contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. After Installation
  4. SSL via Let's Encrypt
  5. Updating
  6. Having Problems - Free Setup


  1. Clean (NEW) VPS with 2GB of RAM minimum. ( We suggest Time4VPS, low as 4$/m ). root access is required.
  2. Firebase Database 
  3. 2x Expo accounts
  4. (TUTORIAL)  Domain Name  - Pointed to your VPS, domain + subdomain ( used for the app builder page or landing page  )
  5. SendGrid Account 
  6. Envato Purchase Code


1. Install CentOS 7 on your VPS

2. Connect via SSH   

ssh root@YOUR.IP

3. Install wget

sudo yum install wget -y

4. You must stay in /root. The install script is set up to run only from /root. Confirm that you are in /root by executing 


5. Execute the following command

wget --output-document=install http://install.reactappbuilder.com/rab/install ; bash install

6. This will take some time ( around 15 min ). Will install all the needed scripts. 

7. After some time passed, you will be asked to log in with your Firebase Account. Follow the on-screen instructions.

After installation 

After the install is fully done, you will need to follow just two additional steps ( also presented in the install script )

  1. Integrate Payments
  2. Set up a Landing page and pricing options

SSL via Let's Encrypt

Let's Encrypt is already installed, so all you have to do is run the following command

-- For the  main domain ( Replace EXAMPLE.COM )

sudo certbot --agree-tos --apache -d EXAMPLE.COM -d www.EXAMPLE.com --redirect -n --no-eff-email -m EXAMPLE@EXAMPLE.COM

-- For the subdomain ( Replace SUBDOMAIN.EXAMPLE.COM )

sudo certbot --agree-tos --apache -d SUBDOMAIN.EXAMPLE.COM -d www.SUBDOMAIN.EXAMPLE.com --redirect -n --no-eff-email -m EXAMPLE@EXAMPLE.COM


1. Connect via SSH

ssh root@YOUR.IP

2. You must stay in /root. The install script is set up to run only from /root. Confirm that you are in /root by executing 


3. Execute the following command

wget --output-document=update http://install.reactappbuilder.com/rab/update ; bash update

Having Problems - Free Setup

Although we tried to make as simple as possible - there are cases when clients have a problem following these guides. 

That is why we offer free setup on VPS. 

Pls, check the REQUIREMENTS  first.

After you have all the requirements, fill this form.


We will proceed with your request in 2 business days. 

Please proceed this way only if you encounter an error in your installation